Sunday, January 26, 2020

Poetry by the Numbers: (3) Rhythm, Culture, and Meaning

                         Image result for poetic meter hungary"  

Human beings…are very much at the mercy of the particular language which has become the medium of expression for their society…the “real world” is to a large extent built up on the language habits of the group.

                             —Edward Sapir, “The Status of Linguistics as a Science”

Strange I am—always been.   First generation Hungarian-American, I funny- spoke.  When, at five, I started to babble in English, my Hungarian accent was so thick that even mousy Sister Helen Michael laughed at me.  I funny-ate.  Instead of fragile peanut butter sandwiches bleeding guess-what-it-looks-like shapes in purple jelly, I had rough-cut rye with chicken fat and garlicky salami (which in turn made me funny-smell). I funny-dressed.  For cold weather my grandmother sleeved my legs in the arms of her sweater and buttoned the rest around me in a droopy cross between long johns and a dhoti.  I’m still a devotee of The Addams Family and The Munsters because, well, They ‘R’ Me; I sit on my office floor with adult students; I teach almost exclusively by inductive methods; I love Gertrude Stein; and I won’t eat anything wheat.  It’s mixed—both freedom and dissonance—all that—and not knowing exactly what makes me strange. 
Perhaps I’m suffering from the necessarily thwarted yearning of all humans to belong.  Perhaps my subtle but distinct sense of alienation is peculiar to all first-generation Americans. But it was not for goulash-paprika-Béla-Lugosi-csárdás kitsch that I visited Hungary where centuries of my ancestors were born and lived.  I went to understand the deeper emotional and cognitive habits of my two countries—America, the richest country currently on earth, in counterpoint to Hungary, a country that has had to rise, over and over, like the mythic Phoenix, from millennia of political, geographical, cultural, and linguistic upheavals.o it'  I would explore, as Stein wrote she had in a most relevant text—The Gradual Making of The Making of the Americans:
I then began again to think about the bottom nature in people, I began to get enormously interested in hearing how everybody said the same thing over and over again with infinite variations but over and over again until finally if you listened with great intensity you could hear it rise and fall and tell all that that there was inside them, not so much by the actual words they said or the thoughts they had but the movement of their thoughts and words endlessly the same and endlessly different.
I would listen for this undercurrent—this movement of thoughts and words endlessly the same and endlessly different.  What I found lends credence to the Sapir-Whorf Linguistic Relativity Hypothesis—that our sense of reality is determined by our linguistic habits.  I surfaced from jet lag to be astounded by the nature of the forces that conflict in me.
What seems to endlessly repeat in Hungary, is that—from the simplest to the most complex—it’s all inside out, upside down, and backwards to the English-speaking world:  family name precedes the given; women attach the to their husband’s names instead of their maiden, even though means born as; cut flowers are carried head down, and they’re sold in odd numbers instead of even.  Hungarian ambulances pierce the air with a high note and whine to a bass—school children refer to this sound as the nay-noo of ambulances (the rhythm being underscored by the fact that ai is a high frequency vowel and oo the lowest sound frequency)—as contrasted to the ascending weeee of American ambulances. There’s the descending chiming in a minor key to which metro and trolley doors close; the stomp/skip rhythms of the csárdás as compared to slam-footed skip/stomp of American clogging; the descending cadences and pervasive mood of the minor key of Hungarian folksongs, which, after all, is the use of the musical flat, the half step down, as opposed to the sharp, the half step up.  In my case, living on the east coast of the USA, the analog clock hands are 180° different from Budapest time.   And the name of one of the major bus manufacturers in Hungary is called Ikarusz, who, unfortunately, rose high, only to plummet into the sea.  
There’s more.  In A Country Full of Aliens, British journalist Colin Swatridge notes that Hungarian light switches have to be flipped up to turn off; that Hungarians say “Hello” when they’re bidding farewell; plastic sleeves receive papers from the top with punchholes on the left in England—in Hungary they are inserted from the bottom; the year is placed at the end of a date in England, at the beginning in Hungary; Hungarians do long division right to left, and multiplication from left to right—the opposite of American/English ciphering.  And so on.  Naturally, any such remarks smack of provincialism, but it’s true that in Hungary life is organized differently, often in opposition to countries where English is the dominant language.  And Hungarians were the first to notice the difference, themselves:  Swatridge’s title is in repartee with Hungarian George Mikes’s original tweak at British life, How to Be an Alien.  
No wonder Hungarians are so good at inventing that which untwists, such as the Ernő Rubik’s Cube, or János Bolyai’s non-Euclidean geometry. And how about the Hollywood of Fox, Zukor, Paul Newman, Tony Curtis, Lugosi, and the Gabor sisters—to name a few?  So talented are Hungarians in the business of illusion—showing what isn’t as if it were—that the MGM commissary has an ironic disclaimer posted on the wall: “Just because you’re Hungarian doesn’t mean you’re a genius.” Genius, wrote William James, “means little more than the faculty of perceiving in an inhabitual way.”  If you come from a country that does things upside down and backward, that comes more naturally.
Ludwig Wittgenstein was right, Imagine a language and you imagine a way of life, for the Hungarian language both embodies and drives these differences: in Géza Balázs’s words from The Story of Hungarian: A Guide to the Language, “In the Hungarian Language everything is reversed.”  As Balázs points out, “in Hungarian the individual words are generally extended to the right, using a number of suffixes…while the Indo-European languages work backward from a word, or are left-tending”; there is a large number of palindromes in Hungarian (all that coming and going from two directions, like the changing of the tides); and Hungarian often uses the periodic sentence structure, placing verbs at ends of clauses.  Syntactical constructs are fairly obvious. What surprised me most was something more subtle than grammatical structures—something more pervasive that would have delighted Stein—rhythm.
English gallops happy on the tongue—ta Tum, ta Tum, ta Tum—unstressed/ stressed syllables most often start phrases on the downbeat, end on the up.   A sample of individual words will do:  increase, reward, omnipotent.  More importantly, English is rich with prepositions and articles and the infinitive to that form stepping stones to the more important nouns and verbs where the stress will land as in the tree, in fact, she left, to beAnd English tends to stress verbs—words of being and action.  Verbs follow subjects, so, again, the stronger word, the upbeat, is always coming.  Claimed to mimic the heart, in poetics this rhythm is called the iamb. A homonym of I am, even the name of the beat is assertive, confident.  Tending upward, anticipating increased strength—the recoil before the leap—repeated iambs rev into an I am, I am, I am exuberance.
                        Hungarian thrusts hard into initial syllables and then retreats—Tum ta, Tum ta ta, Tum ta ta ta.  The language can sound like the dissipation of a bouncing ball, losing height, velocity—disappointing itself to a stop.  The English I am translates into the Hungarian vagyok—the rising emphasis of English becomes declining in Hungarian. Given the strain of having to punch out those initial syllables, each repetition of vagyok, vagyok, vagyok becomes more plaintive, less and less convincing.  Consider what happens if we punch the I in I amI am, I am, I am—it dissolves into Symphisian whininess.  
What repeats, and repeats, as Stein tells us—especially without conscious awareness—affects, shapes, and identifies us most.  So, for example, given the same decibels, the most deleterious noises are those repetitive ones to which we have become accustomed—the brain having been altered to accommodate the sounds, tied up in processing them.  It’s called sensory fatigue.  Gone numb to such noises, we are less able to react if necessary.  According to The Better Health Channel website, the symptoms of sensory fatigue will seem a specific: headache, elevated blood pressure, fatigue, irritability, digestive disorders, increased susceptibility to colds and other minor infections.  Things you can’t prove in court.  There’s a kind of despair in having so succumbed that you don‘t hear the constant jackhammering under your window.  So it is not untoward to ask whether and how language rhythms—a most pervasive aspect of speech of which most of us are too rarely conscious—might affect us. 
Consider, for example, the effect of the first line of “The Music of the Night” in The Phantom of the Opera: Nighttime sharpens, heightens each sensation.  The pulse of this line is the stressed/unstressed beat called the trochee:  Nighttime, sharpens, heightens each sensation.   Both Andrew Lloyd Webber’s music and Charles Hart’s lyrics are brilliantly keyed, rhythmically, to the intent and dynamics of the scenes in which the song is performed. Sung by the title character—a denizen of the bowels of the opera house, a man whose face is yin/yanged by a mask into darkness and light—it is fitting that his song of seduction to Christine, the musical’s Persephone, be predominantly in a downward lilting trochaic rhythm—the opposite of the upward tending iamb customary in English:  Down, down, down—says the music, says the rhythm of the dark (k)night. 
Compare “The Music of the Night” to the first line of “The Lusty Month of May” from Lerner and Lowe’s musical CamelotTra la! It’s May! The lusty month of May!  Wrought in the traditional English iambic pentameter—the line is rhythmically light, frolicking, gay.  Tra la! It’s May! The lusty month of May!  Spring has come.  Persephone’s risen!  Had either composer or lyricist introduced downward tending notes and rhythms, it would have lent an ominous note which would have too soon introduced the note of tragedy into the musical. 
Traditionally, too, the downward tending poetic rhythm—the Tum ta ta dactyl, was used by the ancient Greeks in their elegies, especially to commemorate children.  Each poetic line would have five mournful dactyls as the predominant rhythm in each line, followed by the very finalizing stress/stress spondee.  The affect of these accumulating dactyls is an unbearable despair. Tum ta ta, Tum ta ta, Tum ta ta, Tum ta ta Tum ta ta, Tum Tum is a dirging drum.  The epic poem in Latin also uses the dactylic hexameter, but more freely varies the balance of dactyls and spondees in a line.  Joshua Schuster writes that these dactylic hexametric lines correspond to or are derived from marches and other war rituals.  John Philip Sousa’s marches are predominantly right-foot-forward trochaic, whereas the rhythm of a galloping horse is dactylic, as is, interestingly enough, the dactylic rhythm of a dance most loved by Hungarians: the waltz. 
On the lighter side, limericks in English—driven by iambic rhythms—generate very bawdy, fairly raunchy, invariably comical, illicit texts.  The last line always comes off as a punch line.  Once you get the joke of it, you’re done. In Hungarian, on the other hand, where the iamb is foreign, and the rhythms trochaic and dactylic, limericks tend to be more philosophical, as English rhythms do not.  They elicit reflection and rereading.
But what shift of meaning happens between English and Hungarian?  To further explore, I compared Shakespeare’s Sonnet 73 in to its Hungarian translation.  The first line is written in iambic pentameter—five iambs:  That time, of year, thou mayst, in me, beholdThe native speaker of English is most likely to stress time, year, mayst, me, holdThe stressed syllables create their own subliminal emphasis—time mayst me hold—time may sustain me.  But with the added emphasis, the conditional sense of maystperhaps time will hold me—is pre-empted by the directive sense, with the speaker in control—time, you may hold me. 
In renowned poet Lőrinc Szabó’s Hungarian translation—Nézd, életem az az évszak, amelybennézd, él..., év...  are most likely to be stressedlook, life, year.  There’s a stridence here—imperative—even vigilance—as compared to the wistful statement in English.  And whereas the English line settles into five, steady, predictable, and hence comforting iambs—the security of age and experience—the Hungarian struggles to maintain the energy of the stressed syllables.  Tum, Tum ta ta, ta ta, Tum ta, ta ta ta.  In short, the English iambic strides forward where the Hungarian dactyl, trochee, pyrrhic limps to keep up with the unstressed beats.  Arguably, at least for this poem, the rhythm of the Hungarian translation—halting yet directive—may be more mimetic of the halting energy of maturity.  But that smacks of the mimetic fallacy—in another context, it would be to argue that you have to be boring when you write about boredom.  And Shakespeare’s sonnets as a whole tend to tend toward affirmation, immortality, control.  He considers the written word to be immortality, itself.
What creates its relentless down, down, down-going rhythm?  The socio-psychological, political and geographical answer is extremely complex and would take us into difficult questions of national identity.  For now, we can discern what creates these rhythms grammatically.  Let’s revisit what Balázs writes about how Hungarian builds words. The difference in predominant rhythms between the two languages is determined, in great part, by contrasting syntactic—coordinating—structures.  The Hungarian language is agglutinative—instead of dividing the language into discrete meaning/word units, it constantly combines—literally glues them into new words.  So, for example, into the house translates into házba in Hungarian.  Ház means house, ba is the suffix for into.  And there’s no need for the separate definite article the.  It’s elegant in simple formulations.  But more often than not Hungarian creates long strings of unstressed syllables such as the 21-letter single word elkáposztalanitátotak, which translates into the 20-letter but 5 word of the English you took the cabbage out, or the 38-letter megbecstelenithetetlenségeskedeitekért which barely translates into the 7(or 4)-word English “because of your-holier-than-thou attitude,” or my current favorite, the slowly evolving, hard to bite off and chew anything-but-quick 15-letter word gyorskiszolgáló, which is what the Hungarian chapter of McDonald’s touts itself as being:  fast.  Hungarians, themselves, enjoy lampooning this tendency of the language to lard on syllables that turns your brain into an abacus. Perhaps that is why there are so many significant Hungarian mathematicians.
In comparison, contemporary English is scantily inflected—an s here and there to indicate plurals, possessives, or to manage noun/verb consistency; an –ing tacked on to a verb such as swim to create the noun swimming.  Word order, more than pre- or suf-fixes determine connections between ideas, and therefore meaning.  The woman also ate the fish means something vastly different from the more evocative, albeit ordinarily nonsensical The fish also ate the woman, or worse Ate fish the woman also.   Hungarian, on the other hand allows for greater flexibility in word order.  A nő halat is evet is as logical as Halat t is evet a nő, Evet halat is a nő, or the less idiomatic Halat, is, a nő evet.   This flexibility engenders all sorts of interesting ways of organizing and creating experience that just don’t occur in English.  But if we deleted the inflections of the first line of the Hungarian translation of Sonnet 73, we’re reduced to the survival level of intent—and no connections, nothing to connect.  In English, other words and their order will help us understand.
Agglutination is a constant murmur in Hungarian—even telephone numbers are spoken as agglutinations—seventy-six instead of the American seven six.  Although Hungarian is uniquely musical because of its vowel patterns, it has often been considered by foreigners to be a language of monotones—hence the dissipating snare drum of unstressed syllables in the Shakespearean translation Nézd, életem az az évszak amelyben: Tum, Tum ta ta, ta ta, Tum ta, ta ta ta.  Where English loses flexibility in word order Hungarian gains.  Where English gains rhythmic strength, Hungarian struggles against the drag of agglutination.  English can focus on root words and their content; Hungarian is freighted with inflections.  It’s the difference between saying into the house and housetheinto.
My mother tongue is Hungarian, and I’m still fluent.  But I rarely speak it in America.  In Hungary, I spoke it constantly.  What I noticed is that, especially in the beginning of my three-month tour, I was constantly out of breath, literally, and/or mentally.  The expression coefficient of drag took on new meaning for me.  Those long agglutinated words were words, nonetheless, and had to be delivered in single units.  I was always having to stretch the amount of breath I have—rhythms I had developed from speaking in English.  The overall feel of it was that I was tripping after myself.  At the end of each day, the literal oxygen depletion created, metaphorically, a spiritual, energetic, psychological depletion. 
Because English is not heavily inflected, the words are relatively stable and lend themselves to sight-recognition.  Hungarian is constantly creating new words and formulations—and so there is the constant shiftings of possibilities.  Where English is relatively more secure and stable, Hungarian is freer if unpredictable.  But because of this, Hungarian requires compensatory reading strategies that English doesn’t.  I often felt as though I was committing an act of worship when navigating street and commerce signs in Hungary: my eyes lifted, fairly admiring the letters before me, keeping myself focused, as if in prayer, that I might be granted some light.  In the beginning was the word—but where, with all those pre and suffixes, was it? As linguist Judith Hajnal pointed out to me, when learning to read in English, I was learning to identify whole words on sight.  I am used to identifying English words as discrete units—as well as in French, in which I am vastly less proficient that Hungarian.  But Hungarian words are like mini-sentences.  To read Hungarian as I do English would be like identifying whole English sentences on sight.  While I was reading signs in Hungary I performed acts of back-and-forth recursive negotiations of the meanings of previous word chunks before the aha of oh-that’s-what-it-means.  Meanwhile, the trolley would have left, the light changed, and I’d have to wait to get—the next word or the next trolley.  Of course, I was acclimating, and much of the drag might have been just that.  But I asked some native Hungarian readers how they read.   One friend said that, yes, she, too, finds it a challenge. Her strategy is to read backwards from the end, identifying the core noun or verb and thenre.ample, mentally.    reading backwards. There it was again, the having to go backwards before or instead of forwards.
Stein says, Repeating then is in every one, in every one their being and their feeling and their way of realizing everything and every one comes out of them in repeating.  If  Stein is correct, and I believe she is—that what repeats is what endures—then surely the differences in the metronomes that drive American English and Hungarian would have significant effects. And this is Stein’s brilliant insight—consider how this experience, repeated within and between individuals a googol number of times will affect every aspect, conscious and unconscious of the people swimming in the soup of that language.  Studies have shown that fetuses exposed to one language rhythm inside their mothers have more difficulty learning a different language.  Also, suckling infants will change their sucking rhythms with a shift in language rhythms—say from French to Russian.
It is no surprise, then, that there’s a distinction between a familiar and a formal voice in which a one-up ascendant one-downs an inferior.  That the legal system is top down Roman instead of case-informed Common Law.  That the country is filled with massive statues that force the living to look up at the dead.   That there is a thrust of overcompensation in the perennial brass bands and ceremonies and adoration of honorifics and titles.  That education tends to be Prussian—memorize, memorize, memorize what is handed down to you.  That there is in the charm of the Hungarian the residue of top-down noblesse oblige marking centuries of aristocracies and patriarchies.  And that, predictably, the gender-splitting in Hungary is so embedded that women, themselves, believe feminism is a campaign to destroy men. 
One communications specialist remarked in response to my observations:  “Americans are optimistic.”  No wonder: English is the universal language, the colonizer, the forward and upward of the lance.  On the other hand, Hungary has been, over its 1,100-history, the colonized, the ball dropped and dribbling to a stop.  Hungary, with the highest suicide rate in the world—four times that of the U.S.—is not “optimistic.”  As Hungarian psychologist Margot Honti characterizes it, “We know what it is to be losers.  We have all been losers for centuries.”   No wonder János Selye, a Hungarian, first formulated the concept of “stress” (losers are stressed) or that the Woman’s World Chess Champion—a master at navigating complexities (the lost have to be)—is Hungarian Zsuzsa Polgár.  No wonder that Hungarians run to the two extremes of despair or overachievement.
Naturally, I have not exhausted how these rhythms and directional oppositions generate and are generated by what we might call a national identity—and certainly not why.  These patterns are too complex even for fractal analysis—that wonderful mathematical systematization of complex patterns that drove John Forbes Nash, Jr.  But the counterpoints between my cultures have stranged and estranged me—in America and in Hungary, both.  Although I’ve done nearly all of my schooling, professional, and creative work in English, I’m starting to notice that I write, and probably speak, in Hungarian rhythms: an inordinately large percentage of the titles of my poems are written in Hungarian dactyls and trochees. This essay, in a much earlier draft, started with the sentence—English gallops happy on the tongue—written in three Hungarian trochees, but followed by a characteristic, up-skipping American ta ta Tum anapest.  Readers and editors consistently remark that my syntax is quirky—subjects and verbs in unusual configurations—and that I tend to write periodic sentences—waiting for the end of a clause to place my verb.  In Hungarian, I often construct sentences like an American.  But, as a creative writer, I’m not sure I mind.  
Still: so-what?  What about the deeper effects of the counterpoint between my nationalities—my sense of myself as a woman, a member of a family, an author, a physical being; how I solve problems, experience, win or lose, love or hate?  Belonging—unstranging—is not so much a process of reducing experience to a system to which I can commit.  Nor is it lopping off roots and grafting onto other stems.  The so what is that taking my cues from rhythms—what repeats—helps me to frame questions:  Where are the oppositions?  How am I this rather than that?  How do I drift now here, now there?  How do I rebel and resist? 
Before I noticed the rhythmic counterpoints, I asked these questions.  But they were abstractions, applicable to most anyone.  Rhythm took me back to the body, to preverbal effects—and below all that rhetoric muddles. The questions, so rooted, are more compelling.   I can ask: What does it mean to live in a language whose rhythms tend downward, as compared to living in a language whose rhythms tend upward?  What has it meant to be wired originally in the down rhythms of Hungarian and then to have my switches switched predominantly to the up of English?   It also makes sense to ask seemingly unrelated, biological questions:  Might my wheat gluten sensitivity, as journalist Bill Bridges suggested, be read as a cellular American struggle against Hungarian agglutination. It even makes sense to ask—English rhythm or Hungarian—“Am I strange?”  
If you speak another language, notice the rhythmic patterns in your speech, conversations, music, dance, and other aspects of your culture.  What do the rhythmic patters in your other language mean?  If you do not speak another language, notice the rhythmic patters in the speech of another culture in a YouTube video.  What do you notice?

Works Cited:
Balázs, Géza.  The Story of Hungarian. Trans. Thomas J. DeKornfield.  Budapest:  
              Corvina, 1997.
Hart, Charles, Richard Stilgoe, and Andrew Lloyd Webber.  Songbook of the Broadway 
             Musical,  Phantom of the Opera.  New York: Hal Leonard.  (HL 360830)
Rich, Susanna.  “Hungarian is Hungarian is: The Backward and Inside Out.” Budapest:

            Pilvax. 11-18.  The above post was originally published in Issue 5: Winter 2008.
 Shakespeare, William.  Dalok és Szonettek. Budapest: Sziget, 2003.
             ---. Sonnets. New York: Avon, 1969.
 Stein, Gertrude.  Selected Writings of Gertrude Stein.  New York: Vintage, 1990.
 Swatridge, Colin.  A Country Full of Aliens.  Budapest: Corvina, 2005.


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  3. I found it very interesting to learn more about the rhythmic scale. What’s weird to me is that I never took note of the way I spoke or the different frequencies. When I’m in a calmer mood, my range tends to be more neutral and towards the middle. It isn’t too high or too low. However, if I’m excited about an event coming up, my voice will be more towards a higher pitch. One thing I noticed after reading this passage is my voice tends to be slightly higher when I first meet someone. In a way, I believe that is due to the fact that I would like to make a good impression and the higher the pitch is usually related to a happier energy that comes off you. However, my friends and I speak to each other in a much more neutral tone. It’s not that we aren’t happy to be around one another but that we are comfortable with each other.
    What’s interesting is that although there are many languages spoken throughout the world, we all relate back to the same rhythmic scale. When people are sad, their voice tends to drop lower. On the contrary, when people are happy, their voices tend to raise. I do not speak another language at home. However, it’s interesting to see how different families rhythmic patterns vary at home. I feel as though English can vary as well, depending on the emotion of the speaker. English tends more than not to be on the neutral to lower end of the rhythmic scale in my opinion.
    By: Caroline Brett

  4. This reading of rhythm and meaning made me think of some things that I remember years ago. I was in catholic school when my kindergarten teacher spoke Spanish and we were so fascinated by the words she was speaking, even though some of us didn’t know what she said. The roll with her tongue saying the R got us in wow and thought that was interesting. We wanted to know from the teacher how to roll our tongues and then suddenly, we were speaking Spanish. From my family history, my grandmother came from France and her last name was pronounced Jeobbers and was given the American name Jobbers.

    The examples of Hungarian living and language made me think about my background culture. My uncle gave my dad a VCR tape of a musical play called “Ipi N’tombi”. I was drawn into what the characters were wearing in the style of African culture and the style of the women’s hair. The part of a wedding celebration, I think the bride had decorative beads for her veil, but it was interesting to me how different their wedding was to American weddings. Their dancing was also great of how they were moving to the beat of the drums as they were jumping and shaking their bodies to the rhythm. My and sister loved the play, we copied their dance routine as we watched it again. I made me feel excited in a way connecting to my roots of my ancestors. Some of the song parts they were singing in some words in African, that I didn’t understand, sound cool and interesting saying it. The song “Ipi N’tombi” and name of the musical play the whole time meant, “Where is the girl?”

    The other example in the reading “In A Country Full of Aliens, British journalist Colin Swatridge notes that Hungarian light switches have to be flipped up to turn off; that Hungarians say “Hello” when they’re bidding farewell”, is the way how they see fit. Just as in other countries with cars, the driver side is on the right side, but in America, the driver side is on the left. With that there’s a difference with driving on the side of the roads. This is other countries way of living and their own rhythm of things how it should be because it’s been passed down for centuries of the culture way.

    The example in the reading, “The Music of the Night” in The Phantom of the Opera: Nighttime sharpens, heightens each sensation. The pulse of this line is the stressed/unstressed beat called the trochee: Nighttime, sharpens, heightens each sensation. Both Andrew Lloyd Webber’s music and Charles Hart’s lyrics are brilliantly keyed, rhythmically, to the intent and dynamics of the scenes in which the song is performed” is how to feel when words are spoken. My sister is a fan of “The Phantom of the Opera” and watching the film starring Gerald Butler, I had goosebumps when hearing the music when the Phantom came. I thought in my opinion that he was a bad person for what he had done in the movie, but my sister believes that throughout it all he was not. All that he wanted was Christine’s love as he taught her how to be a great opera singer, but she had betrayed him.

    This reading gives a different turn how words and music can approach in a pattern of rhythm and meaning to comprehend. The way that either sounds can make an impact how we should feel with our emotions.

  5. Dr. Rich,
    When I was reading your blog post I was thinking of my own background as an Italian American. My grandparents came to America from Italy during World War II, and while I do not speak much Italian, I have noticed the differences in rhythmic patterns between Italian and English. One example I have is an Italian nursery rhyme that my grandmother used to sing to all her grandchildren when she rocked them in her rocking chair. My grandmother called the song “Sega Sega”, and the song goes as:
    Sega sega mastro Ciccio
    una panella e una salsiccia
    la salsiccia ce la mangiamo
    e la panella ce la conserviamo

    The English translation means:
    Saw saw, master Ciccio,
    A loaf of bread and a sausage
    The sausage, we eat it
    And the loaf of bread, we keep it.

    This nursery rhyme is something that sticks with me to this day, as I often hum it to myself when I rock the infant that I babysit. In the Italian version, the rhythm and rhyme are catchy, but the English version does not portray that same rhythm and rhyme. When the poem is said in English the rhythm of the song is thrown off due to the extra syllables needed in order to say all the words. This makes the song lose its value since it is no longer a soothing nursery rhyme. While the words are not meaningful, the beat and rhyme of the song is what made it such an enjoyable song for my sister, my cousins, and me to grow up listening to. When I visited Italy in the summer of 2018, I also noticed differences in their rhythmic patterns when it came to them speaking. Italian words flow together so smoothly that they allow people to speak fast while putting in minimal effort, while English requires more effort and does not blend as cohesively.

    -Jennifer Stavole

  6. Your blog post was very interesting to take into consideration. The opening to the post reminded me of a piece that I read last semester in my Research in Language and Literature course: should writer’s use they own english by Vershawn Ashanti Young. In that piece, Young uses a form of English that is different to the academic language that is presented in the American classroom. Even though the piece was not presented in traditional academic English, it got across an extremely important message that it was not necessarily the words themselves that were important, however the meaning of what the words were trying to get across. I feel that this was accomplished here as well by writing in the way that is most common to Hungarian language, by reversing the verb placement in a sentence (ie. funny-ate). Although it was not academic English it got a specific and understandable message across.

    I am not a musical person, nor was I raised learning a second language at home. However, when I entered high school I attended a regional school which was a great culture shock for me. My town was predominantly white and almost everyone spoke English as their first (and only) language. When I got to high school, I was amazed that the students around me were able to speak languages such as Spanish with such ease and flow, and this was my first immersion with a language that had such a specific rhythm to it. My boyfriend and his family speak fluent Italian, and it is interesting to listen to the flow of their words and the unique rhythm of their language as well. I also find it cool when he comes across a word that doesn’t necessarily translate from Italian to English or vice versa, where the meaning cannot translate the way the person is intending. This leads me to believe that when pieces such as poetry are written in one language and translated to the other, some intended meaning can always be lost.

  7. I found this reading interesting. Last semester I took A multicultural learning class and in the class, we learned about the different cultures of the students in that class. These assignments were called culture maps. I found it interesting how everything is backward in Hungry. The way that they clump the words together was also unknown to me some of these clumps of words equals a sentence and are long. It was interesting bringing Hungry into an explanation of rhythm but it did help explain how other countries use rhythm differently to get points across. This was very interesting because I had never thought about it that way I was thinking about it as different volume levels. I’ve heard that in different countries and I’m not sure if it is true but they use different volume levels to get what they are saying across as in Germany. Also, the little insert about sensory fatigue was a good point and most people in cities must have it saying that they are constantly around noise. But the symptoms were and are pretty unusual but they are things that can’t be proved in court. Further in the post when it brought up Phantom of the Opera how the lyricist has to know the exact point in which to insert a certain dramatic rhythm, or happy/ cheerful, or even dark/ ominous music to alert the person watching about what is about to happen and to be ready for the change on the stage. These tell the audience about the change, is it a good or bad change? Is it for the better of the play or not? This is usually answered right away or in the following scene but it does grab the attention of the audience.

    Kathleen Weideli

  8. Reading this blog post made me realize how important the stress of words is. I grew up only speaking English, and all of my friends growing up also only spoke English, so I never really thought about how the language is spoken. When I got a bit older I was introduced to one of my mom's friends, and her family, who are Italian and speak fluent Italian. Listening to her speak Italian to her children always amazed me, because it sounded like a completely different rhythm and sound than the English language. I find it interesting how Hungarian is almost completely opposite to English. Thinking about it now, putting stress on different words can change the whole meaning, so it is interesting that English and Hungarian stress different words/parts of the sentence. This also relates to literature, and reading literature, because how you read it can change the meaning. Now when I listen to different languages I will pay more attention to the rhythm they are speaking in, and how they are speaking rather than trying to decipher every word being said.

  9. Dr Rich,
    It is interesting the way you compare your mother language, Hungarian, compared to English. Based on your description of the language, and how you feel when you speak the language is very interesting in my opinion. It seems to me that the language it fast tone or you release a lot of air when you speak if you feel out of breath by the end of a conversation. There are many other languages that I feel have the same outcome or affect on people when they speak the language. For example, there is Mandarine or Cantonese, or some dialect of Spanish, Creole, etc. Based on what I learned in my linguistics class last semester, every language in the world uses different pressure when it comes to release of air from your body (if that makes sense). Like Korean, Hangul does use a lot of air release from your throat compared to when someone is speaking in English. In the language, there are a lot of stressed letters in a word that make you release more air, which can allow the speaker to feel quite fatigued by the end of the conversation if they are not used to speaking like that. Also, there was a part of this blog that I can totally relate when it comes to Translations. I speak three languages (not all fluently or perfectly) due to my mixed background. My parents are both Brazilian and Argentine. I grew up translating for them to my former teachers or to people they need service from. Growing up, it was difficult to translate exactly what my parents wanted to say to English because some phrases or full sentences wouldn’t make sense with the English Translation. I would have to paraphrase or try to convey the ideas my parents were trying to send. It was a difficult process for I ,and even until today I still have difficulty translating or understanding some insider jokes or phrases they use because I am not custom to their language. I believe the part of the Translation in your blog is pretty accurate for most languages. I believe many can relate and understand the difficulty explaining their own culture or language to foreigners or people that don’t speak the language to be able to understand.
    -Kellen Atay

  10. Language has always been a tricky subject for me. I tried to learn some Italian because I am part Italian, but I could never fully grasp the nuance involve in the grammar structure. In talion language certain object can be referred with female or male gender depending on the object. This practice is sort of like how all ship are referred as females by sailors. Language play a key role in how both cultures develop and how said culture define themselves. As the article showed the language for Hungarian often travels downward on the rhythmic scale giving their language a more somber felling compared to the more English. Their culture also has this more somber tone and depth compared to more bombastic and in your face languages of English. I always wanted to learn a new language and I personally feel that it is best for people in today more globally interconnect world to become bilingual. With this new understanding of different languages allows one a greater understanding of other cultures and the multiple nuance that often tone said cultures by their use of language. Before this class I never realized how tone and rhythm could be used to influence a language in the context of singular verbs ether raising or lowering in tone and therefore determining the whole tone of the entire language. Every culture on planet earth use their language as a key tool in the shaping and maintaining of their culture and the more understood and learned means the worlds becomes a far better place then before.

  11. I never really noticed rhythmic patterns in language until I started reading poetry and analyzing it in middle school. I’ve never been fluent in any other language besides English, so I can only attest to what I notice through everyday conversation and reading. I’m currently trying to learn Italian, and I can already tell how my native English tongue makes it difficult for me to fully pronunciate words and flow between phrases correctly without pausing how I normally would when I speak English.
    It is interesting to see how in certain languages, rhythmic patterns switch. In English, the patterns can be one way, but in a different language, the patterns can be completely flipped. It would be fascinating to note how meaning may change in phrases depending on what syllables are stressed and which are unstressed.
    I play a few instruments, and I notice how when I write lyrics to my songs, I tend to choose larger vocabulary to make the song sound more interesting and to match the rhythm of the instrument I am playing. There is a musical quality to language, and it is easier to see when there is an instrument in hand. However, without an instrument, one must train their ear tremendously to note these intricate patterns.
    Although I only speak English, I would like to note how even rhythms for one accent could be completely different that another. People with a Southern accent split words up in a different rhythmic pattern than those from the North. My parents, born and raised in Brooklyn, pronunciate words and phrases in different patterns than how I do, possibly because my accent is a mixture of their Brooklyn accent and the accent I have picked up from my New Jersey teachers. I often speak fast, jumble my words and phrases, mix words together, and drop the ends of words. It creates a new type of rhythm that may be different compared to a friend of mine or a peer.
    Perhaps if I become fluent in another language in the future I will be able to easily note how rhythm changes from one language to the next. It would be very interesting to see and do!
    Jessica DeLuca

  12. I was only raised with speaking English so I can’t compare two languages but I do have some family members and friends that do speak Spanish.Yet since my brain can’t understand what’s being said and the language can sound like a bunch of consonants and syllables mashed together. Something I don’t agree with however is the quote by Edward Sapir where he says “Human beings…are very much at the mercy of the particular language which has become the medium of expression for their society…the “real world” is to a large extent built upon the language habits of the group.” I don’t think humans are at the mercy of our language or at least in the way that Edward Sapir means it. He gave examples to his hypothesis saying that sexist language influences the way we speak. He brought out examples like policemen, firemen, or male nurses. However, these terms were most used when police officers and firefighters were mostly men. Now that the police force and firefighters are now both men and women these terms are used less and less. I personally don’t remember the last time I chose to say policeman or policemen over just saying the police. When it comes to the male nurse situation that’s not one word we made from underlining sexist influence those are two distinctly different words and the only reason to use the phrase male nurse is to clarify who the nurse is. Since most of the nurse population is overwhelmingly women it’s fair for us to assume that when we hear nurses that we think it’s a female. So that phrase only serves to make it clear who we are speaking about.
    -Julio Velazquez

  13. Dr, Rich,

    It was very interesting to read the difference in the Hungarian rhythm of speech versus the English. The fact that things are backwards in a way for Hungarians and reading the difference was interesting because I had to figure out how to read the stresses and up/down tones. Also, when I was reading how multiplication in Hungary is left to right and, “A nő halat is evet is as logical as Halat t is evet a nő, Evet halat is a nő, ...Halat, is, a nő eve”, it is cool that there is a lot of flexibility in Hungarian language because in English we do not get the same advantage. I also never thought about the rhythm in my speaking because the majority of the people that I talk to also speak English and we don’t know any other language. The section of the post where you are talking about how you had to stretch the amount of breath you had when you were in Hungary and speaking, reminds me of how even people down south speak slightly different than people in the north. People up north say how those in the south speak too slowly and drag out their words while people in the south say we (people in the north) speak too quickly. I do notice the rhythm changes even when it is a different state so I can only imagine the differences between languages. I think the more you start to analyze speech or when someone is speaking, the easier it is to be able to see the differences.

    Janaya M- ENG3215*4

  14. Born a USA English-Speaking Citizen, I must admit, Dr. Rich, this blog assignment was a bit challenging for me. Nonetheless, I have been fortunate enough to have crossed paths with various Ghanaians here in America and noticed a significant difference in their rhythm, culture, and meaning. Therefore, I decided to take advantage of this excellent opportunity and go beyond the scope of YouTube and discover more in-depth about their rhythmic patterns of speech.

    For instance, I have come to realize that there are three main types of rhythms in Ghana: speech rhythm, dance rhythm, and signal rhythm. So, when an instrument is used to talk, it is imitating the rhythm of the language, following the changing tones of speech, typically low, medium, and high levels. Wherefore, many African (and Asian) languages are different from English and other languages in that the pitch of a syllable gives the word a specific meaning. An Asante chief’s drummer will call other drummers to come and perform by hitting the atumpan (ah-toom-pon), two goblet-shaped drums tuned to a low and high pitch respectively (see Resources below). These two tones represent the minimum of low and high tones in the Twi language. Even though the atumpan drummer usually plays the words calling the drummers to play, the dondo drummer can also play along on the call.

    And while there are many so-called tribes or language groups in Ghana, the Asante, who speak the Akan (ah-kon) language, Twi, dominated the country at one time. Their influence has spread beyond their capital of Kumasi (koo-mah-see), across Ghana and even beyond the political borders of the country. Surrounding peoples have influenced the Asante, and the dondo (done-doh) drum is one example of such influence. This instrument came to the Asante people from the Mamprusi (mam-pru-see) tribe in the north of Ghana after a war.

    The dondo (donno is the plural of dondo), is an hourglass-shaped talking drum that is played under your arm by squeezing cords connecting two heads as one head is struck with a curved stick. This drum is found in many countries in West Africa and is called by many names in different areas. For example, the tama (tah-mah) is from Senegal, and the kalangu (kah-leng-gu) and dundun (doon-doon) are from Nigeria. Regardless of the types of instruments in an ensemble, the melodies and rhythms are like the members of a family. In a drum ensemble, the principal or lead drums are “the parents,” smaller drums are “the children,” and the smallest (usually a bell or rattle) is “the baby.” The baby’s rhythm is repetitive like a baby’s demanding voice and, as such, influences all the other members of the family. So, you hear a little bit of the bell part in the other instruments’ rhythms. ( Therefore, without questions, the rhythmic patterns of poetic speech of the Ghanaian culture are very noticeable.

  15. This post made me think hard about my culture. My parents were born and raised in New York. My mom from the lower east side of Manhattan and my dad from the Bronx. Both my parents are Puerto Rican and identify heavily with that. I went to Puerto Rico for the first time this year and although it technically is part of the US it feels like a different world. I love it there and to be truthful I did not want to come back. The people, the food, the language, everything felt like home but better. Most people feel like an outsider with people that are from different places but for the most part I have always been able to fit in everywhere I go. I think it is because Puerto Ricans are so mixed and my family looks so diverse.When I hear spanish, it sounds like a song to me. It has, in my ears a dancing beat to it. I only recently started to look at english like that as well. Spanish is one of the romance languages and I think it really is beautiful. Sometimes I feel like I have a love hate relationship with english. I struggled with learning how to read and write when I was young and it still carries over to the present day. It is hard and I think I may be too harsh on the english language because it is beautiful too.

    Alyssa Ortiz

  16. In this assignment post she talks about how culture affects the language in the way. Everyone is different and everyone's accent shows uniqueness. The importance of the accenting of the words and how to pronounce them. As someone who comes from Spanish decent it is often hard to pronounce things when I have been taught in both languages. I come from Cuban and Dominican descent both being heavily used all my life. Even though Spanish is my second language I tend to sometimes use it more than English due to communicating with family members. It is important to understand the language you are speaking in because you hold a very important part in saying something or even elaborating something to someone.

    Joseph Menocal
    ENG 3215 04

  17. When it comes to the culture and language of my parents, I was quite far removed from said culture due to a lack of availability so to speak. My parents and grandparent may have hailed from Portugal, but I was barely exposed to the language due to the fact that my family did not teach me. This is not to say that they hated their original language, but that they were simply too busy to instruct me in between their involved careers. On top of that, while America is indeed a melting pot of cultures, some cultures are represented more than others due to more members living in the U.S.A. All the time one hears about Spanish, French and Latin courses for schools but how many times to schools offer Portuguese courses or other underrepresented languages. Although there are more options now to learn such languages like Rosetta Stone, the money barrier plus the lack of mainstream access and the time consuming nature of language learning means it likely will take along time for me to learn Portuguese. While I have some experience in Spanish which I have used to understand some Portuguese, the conversations between my parents in the language have always sounded like a fast paced song to me. I can understand and enjoy what I am able to understand of the 'song', but I ultimately become frustrated due to my inability to keep up and match the speed and fluidity in which others speak. Overall, I feel that underrepresented languages deserve a bit more representation in schools even if the groups who speak them do not have as large a population.

    From Matthew Ponte

  18. This post makes me look at the Jamaican culture from a rhythmic point of view. I was born and raised here in the United States by Jamaican Parents. The food I was raised on from my parents are sometimes different from the American cuisine and I cannot complain I like both. I think the rhythmic pattern in the Jamaican language (Patois) elevates up and down, but I always find myself smiling when I try to speak it, which means the language used in Jamaica is usually on the high side of the rhythmic scale. In addition, I agree with the beginning statement by Edward Sapir that says the real world is built on the language we use because I think positive language makes a positive world, and negative language can make a bad world.
    Another rhythmic pattern I can talk about is dancing. Jamaica is known for cool dances and music. There are dances called the Willie bounce, which was made years ago and a dance called Flarey, which is more recent. The Willie bounce is not high on the rhythmic scale or low, instead it falls in the middle. You use your arms and move them from side to side to the rhythm of the beat. The flarey dance on the other hand is high tempo and requires more energy. With this dance your hands are in the air and moves from side to side.
    Jamaican music varies on the rhythmic scale as well. There are low rhythmic songs that sound sad and higher rhythm songs that make you want to dance.
